Saturday, June 18, 2011

Getting your Gradebooking on with Excel

I have a love/hate relationship with Excel. The most exposure I have had with Excel outside of a Statatistics final was co-assembling our wedding guest-list. I try to keep my interactions with the program to a minimum and leave all the data crunching to my SMRT engineering wife, but in my Educational Technologies course we ran through the basics of creating an Excel grade book.

Making an Excel gradebook is helpful when I need to store and generate grade data results in a pinch. I don't know if I will end up using this as a long term resource since im sure every school has some form of grading software, which are all basically over glorified Excel programs. I have seen my Master teacher use it to tabulate live data results for during classroom competitions. Besides that, he uses the software on his school PC. In either case, I feel confident enough to create my own grade book spreadsheet!

Here is a mock up of a grade book I made in class:

Yeah, the students in this imaginary classroom are pretty eclectic, reformed theologians and entertainers alike!

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