Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Refflection 1: A Response to the ISTE Essential Conditions to Effectively Leverage Technology for Learning

For the full list of Essential Conditions go here

How do these conditions match what are present at your current school setting?
 As I look upon this list I think to myself how much my school lacks in many of these fields. The tech lab is always filled and even if I could get a my class in there aren't enough computers for all my students. This leaves me to spend more time trying to administrate student computer rotations, then actually coaching the students on the technology.

Do these conditions make sense to you?
 Yes, they make perfect sense, but they are hard to obtain in the current educational environment. Its almost depressing.

Which ones are the most essential to success in implementing technology in your school?
The three essentail points are:

1. Equitable Access. All students should have the same access to education, this includes technology and HOW we learn. Why should students who have the means have the advantage over those who can't afford computers? The future of these student's careers will be based around it, we need to give them the tools.

2. Student-Centered Learning. This is essential in any area of education. Technology is a tool and its purpose is useless unless there is meaning behind it. The meaning of technology within education is to promote learning for students.

3.Technical Support.  I have read about the failure of the 1:1 program and a major problem was that not enough money was assigned for technical support and renewal. Technology is fast paced and obsolescence is commonplace. There needs to be an infrastructure and a strong support system to stabilize it.

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